Rancho Cordova Jr Lancers Football and Cheer center badge

Terms and Conditions 

Volunteer Work

Upon enrollment of your player parents will be automatically enrolled into volunteer positions that the Jr. Lancers need in order to have a successful game. Positions include chain gang, water refilling, PAR keepers, clean up crew, and announcer/spotters. Details of these positions and the online form where schedules are tracked can be found here. Parents are required to complete at least 10 hours of volunteer work for the season. If we cannot verify your hours, or you did not get permission by a board member to forego your volunteer requirement, then volunteer deposits will be forfeit.

Please note that no call/no show to your shift will result in your volunteer deposit being forfeit. Multiple no call/no shows will result in your player being suspended from the game in which your shift was missed.


The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer understands that circumstances may arise that prevent a player from participating in the program. The following policy is in place to provide guidance on refunds in such situations.

  1. Cancellation: In the event that a player must cancel their registration, the organization will provide a refund, subject to the following conditions:
    • If cancellation is made prior to the start of the program, a full refund will be provided as long as we have not yet purchased their uniforms.
    • If cancellation is made after the start of the program, a pro-rated refund will be provided, based on the number of games and practices that have taken place.
  2. Medical Reasons: In the event that a player is unable to participate in the program due to a medical condition, the organization will provide a refund, subject to the following conditions:
    • A physician's note must be provided, indicating that the player is unable to participate due to a medical condition.
    • If the player's medical condition is discovered prior to the start of the program, a full refund will be provided as long as we have not yet ordered their uniforms.
    • If the player's medical condition is discovered after the start of the program, a pro-rated refund will be provided, based on the number of games and practices that have taken place.
  3. Other Reasons: In the event that a player must withdraw from the program for reasons other than those stated above, the organization will provide a refund, subject to the following conditions:
    • The request for a refund must be made in writing and include a detailed explanation of the circumstances.
    • The organization will review each request on a case-by-case basis and determine the appropriate course of action.
  4. Code of Conduct Violation: In the event that a player is disenrolled due to Code of Conduct Violations, you will not receive a refund other than deposits if volunteer hours were met and equipment returned.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer will make every effort to accommodate requests for refunds, while also ensuring the stability and sustainability of the program. This policy is subject to change, and any updates will be communicated to participants.

Financial Assistance

The Rancho Cordova Athletic Association offers a program where qualifying families can receive financial assistance up to 75% per enrollment. This fee does not cover equipment or volunteer deposits, just the enrollment fees associated with the player. In order to qualify for financial assistance you must fill out the financial assistance form, submit proof of residency documentation, and proof of income documentation. To complete the financial assistance application please navigate to the Financial Assistance page for more details.

Once you filled out the financial aid form you can upload your supporting documentation during the enrollment process, this is the only time we can accept file uploads. USING A COUPON CODE FOR THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE DISCOUNT WITHOUT PROVIDING COMPLETE AND ACCURATE DOCUMENTATION WILL RESULT IN A REFUND OF ENROLLMENT COSTS, MINUS FEES FOR PROCESSING AND MERCHANDISE PURCHASED FOR YOUR PLAYER.

Drugs and Alcohol

The organization has a no tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. Anyone found with or consuming substances on school grounds, or around the players will be asked to leave. If there are any issues law enforcement will be called to escort out any individuals suspected of consuming substances. It is a felony to bring substances on school grounds, and we will not ask twice before involving law enforcement. Anyone caught consuming substances by a member of our board will not be allowed back into future games for the current season.

Referee or Player Harassment

Guests are asked to be respectful of players and referees. Nothing can be done by our board to reverse bad calls, or to enforce infractions on players during the game. Any unnecessary heckling or threats to referees will not be tolerated, and guests will be asked to leave if they are causing a scene over the situation.

Snack Bar and Tickets

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all players, coaches, and spectators. The following safety policies are in place to ensure the well-being of all participants.

  1. Equipment and Facilities: The organization will ensure that all equipment and facilities used for football activities meet safety standards and are properly maintained. Players will be required to wear the appropriate protective equipment, including helmets, shoulder pads, and mouthguards.
  2. Injury Prevention and Management: Coaches will receive training on injury prevention and management, and the organization will have a designated medical professional on site for all games and practices. In the event of an injury, the medical professional will assess and treat the player, and the player's parents will be notified.
  3. Concussion Management: The organization has a concussion management protocol in place to prevent and manage concussions. Coaches and players will be educated on the signs and symptoms of concussions and the steps to take if a concussion is suspected. Players will not be allowed to return to play until they have been cleared by a medical professional.
  4. Reporting of Safety Concerns: The organization encourages the reporting of any safety concerns, and all reports will be promptly investigated and addressed. Players, coaches, and parents can report safety concerns to the organization's designated safety officer.
  5. Weather Safety: The organization will monitor weather conditions and will cancel or reschedule games and practices if conditions pose a risk to player safety.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer takes the safety of its players, coaches, and spectators seriously, and these policies are in place to ensure that all participants can enjoy the sport in a safe and healthy environment.

Snack Bar and Tickets

Tickets are sold as admission to 1 person per admission fee paid. Ticket prices are set by the league and our organization cannot change the prices. Refunds can be issues if a board member determines it to be appropriate, ticketing staff cannot issue refunds for admission. Snack bar items are sold "as is" and all sales are final. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase please find a board member to get a resolution, snack bar staff cannot refund purchases. The Jr. Lancers reserve the right to refuse service to any customers without notice or explanation, please be respectful of our staff, many of them are volunteers offering their time freely.

Food trucks will periodically be invited to serve food at events. The Jr. Lancers organization does not have authority to refund purchases made by vendors at our events, and we cannot take punitive actions against any lack of service they provide. If you are unsatisfied with your service please contact a board member, and let us assess the situation and any appropriate responses that will be taken.

Equipment Rentals

Equipment is rented out at the beginning of the season to families. We expect normal wear and tear of equipment. Players that abuse the equipment (such as throwing helmets or pads out of frustration, and damaging equipment in the process) will be charged for any damages that the equipment incurs. Any damage to the equipment outside of normal use will be assessed at the end of the season, and equipment deposits will be charged appropriately.

Red and Gray Shirt Players

There will be situations where players will be moved to red shirt or gray shirt lists. Reasons for doing so are at the discretion of the coaching staff. If you feel that your player is being unfairly targeted, or that the use of the list is unreasonably punitive, please contact a board member. Valid reasons for red/gray shirting a player can be:

  • Late/no show to practice.
  • Player behavior or attitude towards coaches and other players.
  • Sick or unhealthy players.
  • Parent volunteers that are late or don't show up to their shift with no prior notice.

Concussion Policy

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to preventing and managing concussions for all players, coaches, and spectators. The following policies are in place to ensure the well-being of all participants.

  1. Education and Awareness: All players, coaches, and parents will receive education on the signs and symptoms of concussions and the steps to take if a concussion is suspected.
  2. Identification and Reporting: Players, coaches, and parents are encouraged to report any suspected concussions to the designated medical professional. The medical professional will assess the player and determine the appropriate course of action, including referral to a doctor or hospital if necessary.
  3. Management and Treatment: Players who have sustained a concussion will not be allowed to return to play until they have been cleared by a licensed medical professional. The organization will provide appropriate medical treatment and follow-up care for all players with concussions.
  4. Return to Play: Players who have sustained a concussion will be gradually reintroduced to activity under the supervision of the designated medical professional. The return to play process will include a step-by-step progression, with players cleared to advance to the next step only after they have been symptom-free for a designated period of time.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to the safety and well-being of all players, and this concussion policy is in place to prevent and manage concussions in a safe and effective manner.

Board Members and Staff

Board members and staff will be treated with respect. They are volunteers offering their time freely to make sure players have a game to play. Any aggression or disrespect towards our staff and board will result in an ejection, and potentially having law enforcement called.

Raffle Prizes and Awards

Raffle prizes will be distributed as appropriate to winners of any contests. Winners must be available to receive their prizes. Cash prizes will be distributed to winners in the form of cash or check, and can be distributed after the event has occurred. Gift cards may be in the form of physical cards, or electronic cards that will need to be emailed to winners in the following days. Please be sure to keep any raffle tickets as this is proof of your winnings. Please be sure to write down contact information clearly when you purchase any raffle items that will be distributed in the future.

Player Development

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to providing an inclusive and respectful environment for all players, coaches, and spectators, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or any other personal characteristic. The following policy is in place to prohibit discrimination and harassment in any form.

  1. Prohibited Conduct: Discrimination and harassment, including but not limited to, verbal, physical, and written abuse, slurs, and derogatory comments, will not be tolerated. The organization will take prompt and appropriate action to address any incidents of discrimination or harassment.
  2. Reporting: Players, coaches, and parents are encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination or harassment to the designated person responsible for handling such incidents. The organization will investigate all reports of discrimination or harassment and take appropriate action, which may include suspension or termination of the individual responsible.
  3. Confidentiality: The organization will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible, consistent with its obligation to investigate and address incidents of discrimination or harassment.
  4. Training: All players, coaches, and parents will receive education on the policy and the importance of creating a respectful and inclusive environment.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment, and this policy is in place to promote a safe and respectful environment for all participants.

Player Development

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to promoting the development and success of all players. The following policies are in place to ensure that players receive the necessary training and support to reach their full potential.

  1. Coaching Philosophy: The organization will provide experienced and knowledgeable coaches who will instruct players in the fundamentals of football, sportsmanship, and teamwork. The coaching philosophy will emphasize player development and improvement, rather than winning at all costs.
  2. Practice: The organization will provide regular practices that are designed to improve skills, teamwork, and physical fitness. Practices will be structured and focused, with a emphasis on player development.
  3. Game Play: The organization will provide opportunities for players to apply their skills in game situations. Game play will be structured to promote player development and improvement, rather than focusing solely on winning.
  4. Individual Attention: The organization will provide individual attention to players to help them reach their full potential. This may include individual training sessions, skill assessments, and feedback on areas for improvement.
  5. Player Feedback: The organization will provide regular feedback to players on their progress and areas for improvement. Players will also be encouraged to provide feedback on the organization and its programs.
  6. Player Advancement: The organization will provide opportunities for players to advance to higher levels of play, based on their skills and development. Players who demonstrate exceptional skills and a commitment to player development will be considered for advancement to more competitive teams.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to the development and success of all players, and these policies are in place to ensure that players receive the necessary training and support to reach their full potential.

Financial Policy

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to providing a high-quality youth football program while maintaining financial stability. The following policies are in place to ensure the responsible management of organization finances.

  1. Budget: The organization will maintain a budget that is based on estimated income and expenses. The budget will be reviewed and approved by the board of directors on an annual basis.
  2. Revenue Generation: The organization will generate revenue through player fees, sponsorships, fundraising activities, and other sources. All revenue will be used to support the organization's mission and programs.
  3. Expense Management: The organization will manage expenses in a responsible manner, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively. All expenses will be reviewed and approved by the board of directors.
  4. Financial Reporting: The organization will maintain accurate financial records and provide regular financial reports to the board of directors. The organization will also make its financial records available for review by members upon request.
  5. Auditing: The organization's financial records will be audited annually by an independent auditor. The results of the audit will be reported to the board of directors and made available to members upon request.
  6. Transparency: The organization will be transparent in its financial practices, making information about its budget, revenue, and expenses available to members upon request.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to responsible financial management, and these policies are in place to ensure the stability and sustainability of the organization.

Data Privacy

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer values the privacy of its participants and takes the protection of personal information very seriously. The following policy outlines the organization's commitment to data privacy and the measures that are in place to ensure the security of personal information.

  1. Collection of Personal Information: The organization collects personal information from participants for the purpose of managing and administering the program. This information may include, but is not limited to, names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and medical information.
  2. Use of Personal Information: The organization will use personal information for the following purposes:
    1. To communicate with participants about the program and any related activities.
    2. To manage and administer the program, including the scheduling of games and practices, the distribution of uniforms and equipment, and the recording of statistics.
    3. To provide medical personnel with access to medical information in the event of an injury.
  3. Sharing of Personal Information: The organization will not share personal information with third parties, except in the following circumstances:
    1. With the consent of the participant or the participant's parent/guardian.
    2. To comply with legal requirements, such as a court order or subpoena.
  4. Security of Personal Information: The organization will take appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal information, including the use of secure servers and encryption technology.
  5. Access to Personal Information: Participants or their parent/guardian have the right to access and review their personal information, and to request that any inaccuracies be corrected.

The Junior Lancers Football and Cheer is committed to protecting the privacy of its participants and will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of personal information. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact the organization.

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4022 Sunrise Blvd Ste 120 #183, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670